To invite all participants to share their perspectives / thoughts on a certain subject.
A. The allotted time can change depending on the subject and how much time you need
B. Be aware of what you want from this exercise. Is the aim to make everyone contribute and speak? Do you want to have a quick brainstorm? Do you want input on different subjects?
C. Remind participants that their comments have to be short.
D. This exercise can be good to use at the beginning of a workshop or when introducing a new subject, or even when you need to create a bit of energy or shake up the dynamics in the group.
Required Material: a room where everyone can sit down so they can see each other, e.g. around a table.
The facilitator introduces a topic or theme which is relevant for a quick pop-corn brainstorm.
When one person has finished speaking, another person who feels ready takes over and speaks (popcorn) Depending on the situation, the facilitator can decide whether everyone should say something or leave it up to the individual. If left to the individual to decide, the facilitator should make sure to end the brainstorming by asking if everyone has said what they wanted, without creating pressure for those who don’t want to.
When the time is up, you can end the exercise by taking a round where everyone has the opportunity to comment on something the other participants have said. This part is managed by the facilitator.
Comment on perspectives that enhance the subject or theme you are introducing or engaging in.
Summarize and highlight important inputs that you can build on going forward.